Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Dan Quayle Supports Obama's Golf Habit

I saw this in the news the other day....

"Dan Quayle stepped up to defend President Obama and his right to play golf. Donald Trump, who is considering running for president in 2012, criticized Obama for playing golf while there is a crisis in Japan. However, Quayle, a dedicated golfer himself, said that the president can find time to play golf while running the country."

I would never use this forum as a tool to share my political beliefs...but is it me? or does this seem like EXCELLENT material for Leno, or Letterman. Certainly they could get mileage out of this.... maybe golfer Rush Limbaugh did and I missed it?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

And So it Begins.....

Welcome to our new blogspot!

Since I am a complete "newbie" in the world of Blogness, I will ask you to be kind and forgiving as I fumble along the cart path of Blogland, in hopes to someday provide an actually informative, if not entertaining source for whats going on in the world of golf.

This includes current events in the PGA, LPGA, Nationwide and more....hopefully from a different angle. I will also try my best to let you know whats going on in the industry... new products, designs who's doing what...etc.

I will also editorialize in the same way many of you know me, for not mincing words; although I will refrain from profanity, as I see no reason to employ it to convey a this will remain "family friendly".

Lastly, I will occasionally share a bit of golf life here in my small corner of the world in eastern Iowa.

Here we go!